Monday, 26 October 2020

WINTERING - How we survive and thrive in challenging times

A four­-week online writing course

with Jill Teague



November 09 - December 06, 2020

Cost: £125

'In the middle of winter I at last discovered 

that there was in me an invincible summer' 

Albert Camus


Using Katherine May’s latest book “Wintering” as inspiration, and Winter as a metaphor, we will use poetry and visual images to explore ways and means of supporting our mind, body and spirit, through “wintering” - those challenging times that are a natural and inevitable part of being human. 

(NB the book is not required reading for the course)


     The course will comprise of:

 -  Weekly resources and writing prompts via email with the opportunity to  share your written responses with the group

  -  Weekly 90-minute group sessions via Zoom, where we will come together to write, discuss and share

  -  PDF Workbook at the end of the course


Work at your own pace, in a supportive and creative forum. 

Previous experience is not necessary, just an open heart and mind.



For further information and to book a place, please contact me at


1 comment:

  1. Dear Jill, your Wintering “ facilitation was INCREDIBLE!!! Got so much out of it, met so many new friends and so much support!
    I feel ridiculous having the date incorrect- put it to the drugs 🙃🙃🙃
    So looking forward to gathering together again and sending love 💝 to all of you
